pre-requisites for refinerycms
##########################Total ROR with Refinerycms########################
######### Prerequesits For Refinerycms project work #####
1)-- Install Ruby
---- This is for Redhat Linux system
Follow the steps told in :-
2)-- Install Ruby Gems
run the command in command line given below
1)gem update system
above command will install gem package from rempte repositery
3)-- Installing Rails framework
run the below commands
1)gem install rails
above command will install the rails framewok and rdoc of rails successfully
4)-- Install one of the database and its gems
By Default sqlite3 is used
for other you should ensure thet that database is already running
if not install first
than install related gem from remote repositery
for that run command
1)gem install gem_name
ex:- gem install mysql -heroku
5)-- check that ImageMagick is installed
In Linux, it is installed by default
checkit by the command
1)identify -version
it will show the version and copy righets
6)-- Install git
for this just follow the steps given in below webpage
7)-- Check that u use RVM for ruby version management
if not then install
Check :
#bash < <( curl )
Make this entry in .bash_profile //This file is present in root directry hedden fils for that type commands as
1)cd \
2)ls -a
3)vi .bash_profile
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # This loads RVM into a shell session.
Install some rubbies in RVm
#source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
#rvm install ree,1.9.2-head,jruby
8)-- Install refinery
follow steps in web page
Check :
9)-- If there is some issue
try # gem update
Upgrade ruby to latest version (1.9.2) using rvm
Check :
Upgrade sqlite to the latest version
##########################Total ROR with Refinerycms########################
######### Prerequesits For Refinerycms project work #####
1)-- Install Ruby
---- This is for Redhat Linux system
Follow the steps told in :-
2)-- Install Ruby Gems
run the command in command line given below
1)gem update system
above command will install gem package from rempte repositery
3)-- Installing Rails framework
run the below commands
1)gem install rails
above command will install the rails framewok and rdoc of rails successfully
4)-- Install one of the database and its gems
By Default sqlite3 is used
for other you should ensure thet that database is already running
if not install first
than install related gem from remote repositery
for that run command
1)gem install gem_name
ex:- gem install mysql -heroku
5)-- check that ImageMagick is installed
In Linux, it is installed by default
checkit by the command
1)identify -version
it will show the version and copy righets
6)-- Install git
for this just follow the steps given in below webpage
7)-- Check that u use RVM for ruby version management
if not then install
Check :
#bash < <( curl )
Make this entry in .bash_profile //This file is present in root directry hedden fils for that type commands as
1)cd \
2)ls -a
3)vi .bash_profile
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # This loads RVM into a shell session.
Install some rubbies in RVm
#source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
#rvm install ree,1.9.2-head,jruby
8)-- Install refinery
follow steps in web page
Check :
9)-- If there is some issue
try # gem update
Upgrade ruby to latest version (1.9.2) using rvm
Check :
Upgrade sqlite to the latest version
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