Ruby Rightsignature API to prefill the template | Ruby, Rightsignature, API to prefill template

For this Please signup with to get your api key and secrets
Generate a new API key by the url
Install rightsignature-api gem by the command
gem install rightsignature-api
gem ‘rightsignature-api‘   in your gem file

Setup your api with secret key by the code 

@rs_connection = => YOUR_TOKEN)
 You can view the list of templates by the code
If you want to  view more details of template 
You need to Clone a template to fill and send the template as a document
Pre fill the required templates by the code (wre need to use merge fields to fil the data, you can't use the text fields to pre fill)
@rs_connection.prefill(guid, subject, roles, options={})
Send the template to signature by the code 
@rs_connection.send_template(guid, subject, roles, options={})
Note:- We can prefill only merge field not text or other field 
 Merge field is found while creating a template, is shown in below image
