Deployment instructions using github hooks to Ec2 or any cloud VS like HEROKU does | deployment, github hooks, heroku, set production server, set server, EC2

Prepare your github repo on /var/www folder to follow the best practice.
$cd /var/www
Create a source code folder with your application name
$ sudo mkdir <Project Name>.com
Create a folder for github source code
$ sudo mkdir <Project Name>.com.git
Change to project github repo folder
Initiate github bare to prepare folder
$sudo git init --bare
Jump to hooks to prepare your hooks for git preparation of project so you can start pushing your code to github.
$cd hooks
Now we are ready with hooks set to your project, create a post-receive file to execute your steps with shell script, below example is a node project and i am doing npm install and restarting web server.
$sudo nano post-receive

error_exit ()
echo "$1" 1>&2
exit 1
git --work-tree=/var/www/<Project Name>.com --git-dir=/var/www/<Project Name>.com.git checkout -f
cd /var/www/<Project Name>.com || error_exit "error changing directory!. now exiting..."
npm install || error_exit "error running npm install! now exiting ..."
FOREVER_ROOT=/etc/forever forever restart -l /etc/forever/<Project Name>.log bin/www || error_exit "error starting forever server! now exiting ..."
Finally assign the proper permissions to the user to write files to to folder
$sudo chown -R deploy:deploy www/
Once all above steps done you are ready to deploy push your code to your project with below steps
git add remote <user>@<ip or host>:/var/www/<Project Name>.com.git
git push master

git add remote prod
git push prod master


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