inserting multiple values in table at a time

What is the optimal way to insert multiple rows (around 1000) from a web
application into a table?

The user enters multiple lines into a text box (up to 10,000). The ASP.NET
application breaks that data into a string array. Each line is an item of
that array.

The user clicks Submit.

I want to insert all those lines into a table in SQL Server.

I know that with MySQL 4.00 and newer, I can simply issue the following

INSERT INTO Table1 (field1) VALUES ('apple'), ('pear'), ('soda'), ('drink')

This will very quickly insert all those values into Table1.field1.

I know that in SQL Server, I can use a BULK INSERT from a file or BCP.
However, I need to do the insert from a web application.

It is better to create one large SqlCommand with all the insert statements:

INSERT Table1 (field1) VALUES ('apple');
INSERT Table1 (field1) VALUES ('pear');
INSERT Table1 (field1) VALUES ('fruit');
INSERT Table1 (field1) VALUES ('drink');

and execute it in one shot.

Or is it better to execute each insert separatly.


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